The border sounds and listens like a bullet, violating bodies as it strikes, maims and senses.
what other ways of being
human – uncertain,
unknowable – could also
undo the listening border
as it listens?
3. Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White
Masks (1952) p.2
6. Dylan Robinson, Hungry Listening:
Resonant Theory for Indigenous
Sound Studies (2020)
7. Gloria Anzaldúa, Light in the
Dark/Luz en lo Oscuro: Rewriting
Identity, Spirituality, Reality
(2015) pp.29–45
8. Sylvia Wynter, “Towards the
Sociogenic Principle: Fanon, The
Puzzle of Conscious Experience,
of ‘Identity’ and What it’s Like to
be ‘Black'”, National Identities
and Socio-Political Changes in
Latin America, (2001) pp.30–66
9. Robinson, 2020.
10. Anzaldúa, 2015.
11. Fanon, 1952.
12. Denise Ferreira da Silva, “To Be
Announced: Radical Praxis or
Knowing (at) the Limits of
Justice”, Social Text 31, 1 (2013),